Monday, March 7, 2011

No-Fly Zone

"...because you know lately I'm not really being me. I'm happy. Actually it is kind of complex, I am but...I am also scared of this. You see, everything is just ..strangely...good. I've nothing to fear because nothing left to fear and now I'm shocked by this "all's good", yet this "all's good" is really good. It's like first time in my life EVERYTHING is good. But don't get me wrong, is not as in I'm overly happy yet this happiness is almost brutally obvious, but it isn't state of euphoria like "OMG! OH NO I CAN'T BELIEVE! THIS IS UNREAL." but this happiness just got me unprepared, I'm not sure what next and what to do with all this neatly combed, divided on equally righteous parts, plain bright and glowing elements of every day and this ..this state of "Nothing To Worry All Is Good And All Is Good For Real And With Every Minute Is Even Better, because you know, I don't really know what to do with this, and how am I supposed to live happily, like I ever knew how to, like what like being happy? Just like that? So you know 'cause of this I'm slightly disturbed and yeah, crappy yeah. Just like that No-Fly Zone thingy, spooky OMG. "

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