Thursday, November 19, 2009

Silent "hello" from the ground. Autumn day 2 & 3

Yeah well, I'm back. I's 1:54am I can't sleep (nothing new aye).
I had a crazy day, slow but steadily crazy. I left my wallet behind only two times, 3rd time it was a false alarm, I left it at home. Average in norm, I'd say routine, forgetfulness, I go that since wee childhood. So yeah day like everyday. Almost. Pretty much autumn like weather, raining, heavily, they say cold (75.2F (24C) o.O lol yeah that is "cold" here, sadly it won't get hmm "colder" anymore :))
Been tryin' to use my phone for communication with a use of mobile yahoo messenger..hmph..OMG that is slooooow. got bored very fast. Forget it.
My phone was pretty silent today, happens more and more often. Oh well I know I know, its all my fault. Fine. Not a biggie its not some "course of Millhavaven" or such, just silence. No one miss me, like its only me...ehh. Alright next, well next was home...and there silence, AGAIN =.= OK quickly filled it with music, phew and 'twas already pretty much alright. My equipment is still dead so I just slacked around, washed dishes..erm mugs, showered and went online to check stuffs. Checked....and etc etc so on and on etc again and etc...blah. 
And silly. Just checked dump site, aww and yeah :( oh and what did i expect :| I'm so stupid sometimes.\=|
The kindness of strangers, life aye...
Autumn I think most fertile in poems season right after spring, or maybe even better that spring. One of the most "dramatic" months, soaked in tears and rain, rain of tears , tears of rain, all's wet and sad and so "aww" oh and sometimes pretty much revolutionary month (dig if ya curious). Funny is how crime rates falling down in autumn compared to summer or burglary loving winter. Strange. Should be opposite, human nature is STRANGE, officially, I find it STRANGE.
Yup so there it is, bit of autumn in this weird STRANGE entry, I'm not expecting understanding really.
I don't fully understand myself.
Oh yeah seriously brilliant movie, light stuff, lovely and full of ROCK'N'ROLL..girls and boys shoo to theaters to watch "The Ship That Rocked". Please do, yes you , you too, pls go and watch. Please?
And I'm already thinking of how am i gonna fill tomorrow..I mean today, with stuff "to not to think"..wait a minute I think..I..hmm what.
Oh OK.
There pretty much to pump up autumn's crime rate, a video clip, song from the album "Murder Ballads" by Nick Cave and PJ Harvey (oh this passion I guess its because they were an item once..probably that time, an dno she did not kill him for real, I guess it was someone else..), so here it is "Henry Lee".



wrabbit said...


a cold spoon a day keeps puffiness aweeyyy.

(nooo, don't choke!)

I mean, put it under your eyes.

The Famous Blue Coat said...

>.< no spoon gonna help and you know it =.= more like your chickens could help and COOKIES ..but only those "bed jumping" ones

dumper said...

u need to trim your eyebrow a little bit n...... your skin is kinda oily

next time you can put 'read' if u stop by

The Famous Blue Coat said...

OK I'll do this next time. But it feels awkward.I don't know who's there. =.=" spooky.

The Famous Blue Coat said...

its wet not oily.

N said...

-.- ok then dont do it...and why you are always wet?!

The Famous Blue Coat said...

cause its raining here.=}

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